
What is a gentlemen?

We have all read about gentlemen; seen "unrealistically perfect" men who pursue the protagonist in romantic movies. But does he really exist? Is there someone that I would ever be so fortuante to fall desperately in love with?

Mr. Darcy=my #1 crush since I was 5 years old!

What exactly is a gentleman?
  • Trustworthy and Loyal! He doesn't lead any other girls on

  • Genuine-he is completely 100% himself in every circumstance he is in

William Wallace from Braveheart...now there's a man

  • Selfless-he wants whats best for you, even if it may affect him in a not-so-positive way

  • Has the fruits of the Spirit-which are Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-control

    Gilbert from Anne of Green Gables
  • Humble and Teachable- doesn't act like he knows everything and is willing to learn from his mistakes

  • Determined and Persistant-He doesn't quit doing something just because it is hard

  • Compassionate- has a sensitive heart to those in need and takes action to help them

  • Passionate- in what he does for work and the way he lives his life

When I think of all these attributes, I for one, don't want to settle for anything less. I deserve someone who has all these characteristics. And if I do find a gentleman, what kind of woman would HE deserve? Thats what my job is to do right now, in highschool; building character, good habits, and being the kind of woman God wants me to be. And hopefully my Mr. Darcy will come for me!!!!!

And the best gentleman I know! If I could have my
future husband model after anyone it would
be my Dad!


  1. :)
    I love this!
    Have you read Wild at heart or Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge?
    If not you definitely should, cause your post just made me think of that.

    And also,
    God is good, he will provide a wonderful man for you when the time is right :)

    -Elizabeth Rueda-
