
One year ago I was in Africa

One year ago, we had just landed in Nairobi, Kenya feeling excited, nervous, and in awe that we were actually there. So much has happened since then. I remember leaving Africa a different person and its stuck with me this whole year. I STILL to this day don't take toilets for granted. But more importantly, I am a lot more conscientious of the world surrounding me.

So here is a journal entry from when I stayed in Doro, Sudan. Note: it is a liiitttle bit dramatic but that just adds flavoring.

"The sun burns hotter. The days longer. As a day goes by it feels like a week. Its hard to believe that we have only spent two days here. I am still sick but was able to go into the village for the first time. I wasn't able to try the 'boon' (coffee) because of my stomach. The villagers just stare as I walk by. They rarely, if at all, see a white skinned, blond haired, blue eyed, person.

The village consists of huts, pigs, goats, dust, and that's pretty much it. There was this baby named Dr. Rob who was sleeping on a blanket surrounded by pigs. Everyone is so poor and dirty here. I look at the church and hospital that have dozens of bullet holes from years of war and I see the black fields that were burned by vicious soldiers and this is as close to hell as I have ever seen. It tears my heart to see girls my age who don't have families. Who have to worry about survival. Then I think about how stupidly selfish I am ALL the time. I have gone through nothing compared to these people. I am so glad I am having this experience because it shows me that many people are hurting out there. And it motivates me to do something about it. I want to spend my life helping and reaching out to these people. Living among them, teaching them, showing them Christ's love."

I want to go back to Africa more than anything. But in the meantime God is giving me opportunities to share my faith right where I'm at. I cannot wait to see how the Lord is gonna use me this upcoming year. Even though I'm still in high school the possibilities are endless. All I can say is BRING IT ON!

The huts we stayed in

                   The bucket shower                    

I was petrified to take a shower in this thing especially when I saw a rat scurry across the ground. But by the end of the week I lived for this shower because it meant three minutes of relief from the 110 degree weather and the ONLY time I got to myself...literally. It was a lot of work to actually take a shower as well!



My brother just married my best friend on December 29, 2010! It was an amazing wedding and I'll write more about it when I get the pictures. Being with people who were older made me feel kind of discontent with where I am right now in high school. I feel like I should be in college or, as every seems to be doing, engaged! But I don't want to live my life like that. I want to be content with where I am right now and to have Jesus romance me. So I spent a long time just praying about it.

The next day I went to the beach and was utterly amazed! God had answered my prayer the previous night and was romancing me. He painted me the most beautiful sunset and it was like a sweet kiss from Him. For the first time, really since I can remember, I was so content to be alone. I wasn't imagining someone elses arms around me sharing in on the moment. I was content having it be just me and the Lord. That felt amazing! I am just in awe of how soon God had answered my prayer for having him pursue me. I was to the point of tears. That night I was sitting by the roaring fire, sipping my Teavanna tea and listening to "Romantic Movie Love Themes" and it felt amazing to have that much peace.

My favorite quote sums up what I feel:

"What are your favorite things? Are they the first snows of the year, the fragrance of the air after a summer rain, curling up with a great book after a tiring day? These are all whispers from the Lord, notes sent to awaken your hearts longing.
Every song you love, every memory you cherish, every moment that has moved you to holy tears has been given to you by the one who has been pursuing you from your first breath in order to win your heart. Gods version of chocolates and flowers and candlelight dinners come in the form of sunsets, falling stars, moonlight on lakes and cricket symphonies; warm wind, swaying trees, lush gardens and fierce devotion."


The sunset that God made just for me. Really, this
picture doesn't do it justice.