
What is a gentlemen?

We have all read about gentlemen; seen "unrealistically perfect" men who pursue the protagonist in romantic movies. But does he really exist? Is there someone that I would ever be so fortuante to fall desperately in love with?

Mr. Darcy=my #1 crush since I was 5 years old!

What exactly is a gentleman?
  • Trustworthy and Loyal! He doesn't lead any other girls on

  • Genuine-he is completely 100% himself in every circumstance he is in

William Wallace from Braveheart...now there's a man

  • Selfless-he wants whats best for you, even if it may affect him in a not-so-positive way

  • Has the fruits of the Spirit-which are Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-control

    Gilbert from Anne of Green Gables
  • Humble and Teachable- doesn't act like he knows everything and is willing to learn from his mistakes

  • Determined and Persistant-He doesn't quit doing something just because it is hard

  • Compassionate- has a sensitive heart to those in need and takes action to help them

  • Passionate- in what he does for work and the way he lives his life

When I think of all these attributes, I for one, don't want to settle for anything less. I deserve someone who has all these characteristics. And if I do find a gentleman, what kind of woman would HE deserve? Thats what my job is to do right now, in highschool; building character, good habits, and being the kind of woman God wants me to be. And hopefully my Mr. Darcy will come for me!!!!!

And the best gentleman I know! If I could have my
future husband model after anyone it would
be my Dad!


My Burning Passion for Coffee

Did you know that coffee has been around for over than 1,500 years?!? Have you ever thought of how people discovered the beverage? Imagine yourself on the high Ethiopian planes where coffee first grew. Lightning strikes a tree filled with coffee cherries. A rich, smoky perfume rises from the burning shrub and grabs your attention. Or maybe you've plucked some of those ripe, red cherries to enjoy their tantalizing sweet pulp, then tossed the seeds into a campfire. You can't believe the aroma that bursts forth!

    Ive been drinking black coffee ever since I was two years old (In Africa they would give the mothers coffee with cream and suger and the kids black bitter coffee) I have a cup every morning at breakfast and every night after dinner!
But my favorite part of the beverage, even more than the flavor, is the social aspect of it! I go out for coffee with my friends at least once a week. I love the talk that comes with it! I also love sitting around my living room with company or family and talking and laughing with a mug in my hand!

I also LOVE snuggling up with a blanket, a great book, and a strong cup of coffee!

I pretty much spend all my money on Starbucks (not totally proud of that fact) Its my favorite place ever!

I went to Seattle for 4 days and drank a starbucks for
my meals, and then some!


As I ate my crème brulee with a strong Americano, on the plane, heading back to America, I pondered my life over the last month! Four new countries that thoroughly changed my life. Doing what I had just done was a dream-an item on my bucket list! But going first class-that was indescribable!

A doctor in our church, who turned out to be our travel companion, offered to pay for my family to travel first class to London. That was the most comfortable 13 hours of my life. From over 50 movies to choose to the chairs reclining into beds to the lobster and steak served to us…it was like a dream! I didn’t want to get off.
But as soon as I felt the 4 degree chill creep up my face. I knew this was the place for me. We retired to the “First class lounge” where we took showers, got massages, had a choice to read Newspapers from at least 25 different countries, and helped ourselves to every style of food imaginable!

As I got off the subway, all bundled up, I was surprised at how diverse and beautiful everyone was. Everyone had poise and sophistication! There were many occasions that I stared back at a stranger walking by.

We had our share of European food and shopping in boutiques but we got to do something that I never thought I would ever be able to say! I saw the ‘Phantom of the Opera’ in Her Majesty’s Theatre! Dressed up and ready to go, I walked hand in hand with my Dad down the busy street, anticipation and anxiety gripping at my gut. Throughout my most cherished play, I was crying, laughing, and gazing at the glowing stage in wonder.

My last day in London I got to ride a train, with a Starbucks in my hand, while it was snowing! All things I love! I may not remember a lot of the details about those three days but I sure will never forget what I felt. Truly Blessed!