
Where is our money really going?

Imagine, who would have such taste and live in such opulence?

                                                                    An American Billionaire?

                                                                  Saudi Prince?

                                                           Louis XIV of France?

This Mansion is in Harare and belongs to:

Presiden Magabe of Zimbabwe
And while he and his family in this mansion, his people live like this...


Mugabe, the president of Zimbabwe, is one of many African leaders who are corrupt. These men were not always rich, some of them grew up in abject poverty and when they came into office, they had every intention of relieving the poverty of their countrymen; and they promised to do so. But once they tasted power and wealth they became intoxicated by self indulgence.
The pictures we see of poverty on the news pull at our heart strings and compel us to want to dig into our pockets to help. It also compels governments in countries like ours to allocate enormous amounts of money to help these needy people.
As long as there are corrupt leaders in developing countries, it is pointless to pour money into those countries because it never trickles down to those who really need it.

There needs to be strict accountability in how foreign aide is so distributed so the people who really need it actually get it!
Sad pictures arouse our compassion and sometimes we give money without thoroughly investigating the entities to which we give. Tribalism, corruption, greed, and endless bureaucracy prevent the money from going where it was intended to go. As long as these things exist unchecked, the real needs will never be touched.
I have some very dear friends who live in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya. Levi has been unemployed for two year along with 40% of the population of city. The average wage in Kenya is $1.25 a day, and has been for 20 years even though the cost of living has risen steadily. Meanwhile government leaders drive Mercedes and BMW’s, live in mansions and are some of the richest men in the world.
I’m not telling you all this to make you feel sorry for the Africans. I’m telling you this to inform you and beg you to be responsible with where your money is going.

We can make a difference in this cycle of corruption.


"What are your favorite things? Are they the first snows of the year, the fragrance of the air after a summer rain, curling up with a great book after a tiring day? These are all whispers from the Lord, notes sent to awaken your hearts longing.
Every song you love, every memory you cherish, every moment that has moved you to holy tears has been given to you by the one who has been pursuing you from your first breath in order to win your heart. Gods version of chocolates and flowers and candlelight dinners come in the form of sunsets, falling stars, moonlight on lakes and cricket symphonies; warm wind, swaying trees, lush gardens and fierce devotion."

That is such a great concept to ponder! God wants to bless us with the beauty He has made, instead of seeing it all as 'mundane'. So take a moment to pause and gaze at a sunset, smell the fragrance of a freshly picked flower, and observe stars in a midnight night sky as diamonds on a velvet blanket...seeing the world as it was meant to be seen. In GLORY!!


Trip around the world; London

In January/February I had the privilege of going to London, Dubai, Kenya, and Sudan. I kept a journal for my English class and I'd like to write a few entries on here.

Entry Date: January 11, 2010

 Today was my first day in London and it was amazing. The sights, the smells, the people. I could hardly believe I was in LONDON!! At first it didn't seem any different than Portland or San Fran. But then I heard something. "Dong" and when I rounded the corner I saw something I've wanted to see my whole life. The most beautiful image...Big Ben. There he was, in the middle of the huge city, standing so ginormous. Telling me not only what the time was by his huge face but by the magnificent bells that go off every hour.

The buildings in London are breathtaking.

My very first train ride...in the snow...in London!

London at Night

Now on to the most important part....the people. I have never seen so many nationalities in one spot before. The men and women are gorgeous and so much more ahead in style than Americans. Everyone wears fancy boots and long trench coats.

Its freezing here. This morning when I went outside my heart almost stopped beating. The chill literally took my breath away.

Ive been talking in an English accent all day. I sure hope this continues.

Till next time, Love..


New favorite thing!

                                                     I am now an official longboader! :)

got the new shoes for it

 got the pose

got the master teacher

And I love it!

Next thing to accomplish.....surfing!


falling into fall

As the long lingering daylight hours come to an end and as i pack my sundresses away for the year, i gladly say goodbye to summer and hello to rain, hot chocolate, and wrap-it-around-three times scarves. Fall has finally come and i welcome it immensely. So many memories are associated with this season. The start of school, the new routines. All of it is so....wonderful! So here is just a sampling of what i love most about Autumn:

Crisp Apple Pie(my Grandma's recipe)

Cold Crisp Mornings

Pumpkin Spice lattes-Starbucks is where its at!

carving pumpkins with my older brother, James.

crunchy apples

Starting to listen to Christmas music. (Yes, I do start in September)


Tim Burton movies

change in leaves



Wow! Jesus, you amaze me!

The more I get older, the more my faith becomes real to me. The Sunday school stories still stick in my head but what they mean to me has significantly changed. Have you ever thought real hard about what Jesus did for YOU? During my devotion today I was reading about what happened right before Jesus died. Not only was it unbearably painful to be beaten and tortured but it must have been so embarrassing, being mocked and criticized in front of everyone.

“Those who passed by hurled insults at him, shaking there head saying ‘ So! You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, come down from the cross and save yourself.’ ” Mark 15:29-30

And yet Jesus didn’t say a word. He was truly the most innocent person who has ever existed and he didn’t try to defend himself or get the last word in. Instead he hung on a cross for MY sins. And while he was on the cross, he wasn’t thinking about the crown of thorns pressed upon his head, he didn’t think about how much blood he lost, or the excruciating pain he was in. He was thinking about me. And how, because of what he was doing, I get to go to heaven and be with him for eternity. ETERNITY!

That just amazes me. Although its good to hear and read about when Jesus healed the sick and lame and performed miracles, we need to be reminded of the not-so-sweet-part of Christs love story to us.

Thank you Jesus!


The Sky is the Limit!

I discovered that I hate routine. I thrive when I'm out of my comfort zone, being challenged.

   "Move out of your comfort zone. You can only
     grow if you are willing to feel awkward and
    uncomfortable when you try something new"
                                   ~ Brian Tracy~

So I  decided to write about my plans and goals for the future. A list of things I want and am going  to do before i die.

1. Lead someone to Christ

2. Learn how to rock climb

3. Ride an elephant

4. Give blood

5. Talk in an English accent for a week

6. Skydive

7. Vote for a president

8. Salsa dance

9. Read a classic book a year

10. Get a nose piercing

11. Send a message in a bottle

12. Drive a red convertible

13. Create a Blog

14. Sponsor a compassion kid

15. Have a spontaneous road trip

16. Graduate from college

17. See “The Phantom of the Opera” on the London stage

18. Take a horse drawn carriage in New York City

19. Become fluent in another language

20. Walk the Great Wall of China

21. Read the bible cover to cover

22. Make a garden

23. Learn how to surf

24. Visit someone in Prison

25. Learn how to play the guitar

26. Live in a place where they don’t speak English

27. Punch someone in the face

28. Host an 80’s party

29. Plan a wedding(preferably my own)

30. Swim with sharks

31. Run a marathon

32. Go to a Jack Johnson Concert

33. Visit all 6 Continents(I don’t count Antarctica)

34. Fire a gun

35. Climb a mountain

36. Go river rafting

37. Ride a horse in Ireland


As I sat in the chair, listening to the needles being sterolized, I reflected over the last couple of days. Well last couple of years. I have wanted this day to come for as long as i  can remember and finally, as scary as it might be, it was happening! I thought of all the negative sides to having this done. 1) Im the pastors daughter and who knows how many people will be offended or think i am a rebellious teen! 2) Its gonna hurt like CRAAAAAZY! 3) It cost $40 more than i thought it would totaling 70 big ones! And 4) once i was in the chair, there was no going back. But none of those things could ever stop me from fulfilling this life long dream of mine. I remembered how a few short days ago, my mom and dad wanted to have a serious talk, which ended up being the permission to get this done. Boy, did i start dancing with joy!

So there I was, holding my moms hand deep in thought. "Okay inhale and then exhale slowly" It was over in 21/2 seconds and i didn't even feel a thing. Now my nose isn't so naked and i have the cutest sparkle gleaming from it.  :) I still haven't gotten over this "Christmas Morning" feeling. Man i love life!


I decided to start a blog because it is on my "Bucket List" (list of things to do before i die) which ill probably be talking about alot because i really want to record them. :) we will see!